History management lets users navigate through a Flex application using the web browser's Back and Forward navigation commands.
History management is enabled by default for the Accordion and TabNavigator containers. This means that if the user selects one of the panes in an Accordion control, that user can return to the previous pane by using the browser?s Back button or back navigation command. History management is disabled by default for the ViewStack navigator container.
You can disable history management by setting the navigator container's historyManagementEnabled property to false.
You can also enable history management for other objects in an application by registering the objects with the HistoryManager. To register a component with the HistoryManager class, you call the HistoryManager class's register() method with a reference to a component instance that implements the IHistoryManagerClient interface. In the following example, the Application component (this) is registered with the HistoryManager class when the Application is initialized:
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
You must also implement the saveState() and loadState() methods of the IHistoryManagerClient interface to complete the registration of the component. Components that extend UIComponent automatically inherit the loadState() method.
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