Народ, у меня та же проблема. Я сделал свой сайт из шаблона и у него форма отправки письма так же пустая. Пожалуйста подскажите как мне с моим AS правильно сделать. Я честно пытался понять как сделать так, как прописано в этой теме, но ни..на не понял

вот скрипт их моего fla (простите за наглость, но я уже всю голову сломал

Собственно я никак не могу въехать куда мне припаивать php-файл. Скриптов я php-шных накачал кучу, но... интеграция не получается.
stop ();
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.align = "TL";
emailsend = false;
var XMLdaten = new XML();
XMLdaten.ignoreWhite = true;
imageLoader = function (item, link)
item._alpha = 0;
var _loc2 = new MovieClipLoader();
var _loc1 = new Object();
_loc1.onLoadComplete = function (mc)
caurina.transitions.Tweener.addTween(item, {_alpha: 100, time: 1, transition: "easeOutSine"});
_loc2.loadClip(link, item);
XMLdaten.onLoad = function (success)
if (success)
XMLdaten_infotext = XMLdaten.firstChild.childNodes[0];
XMLdaten_name = XMLdaten.firstChild.childNodes[1];
XMLdaten_email = XMLdaten.firstChild.childNodes[2];
XMLdaten_message = XMLdaten.firstChild.childNodes[3];
XMLdaten_sendmail = XMLdaten.firstChild.childNodes[4];
XMLdaten_errorname = XMLdaten.firstChild.childNodes[5];
XMLdaten_erroremail = XMLdaten.firstChild.childNodes[6];
XMLdaten_errorfield = XMLdaten.firstChild.childNodes[7];
XMLdaten_finished = XMLdaten.firstChild.childNodes[8];
XMLdaten_notfinished = XMLdaten.firstChild.childNodes[9];
imagelink = XMLdaten.firstChild.attributes.imageurl;
imageLoader(contact.imageholder, imagelink);
xmlloaded = true;
cssfile = new TextField.StyleSheet();
cssfile.onLoad = function (success)
if (success)
cssloaded = true;
contact.info_text.styleSheet = cssfile;
contact.info_text.autoSize = "left";
contact.info_text.htmlText = XMLdaten_infotext;
contact.form.name_label.htmlText = XMLdaten_name;
contact.form.em ail_label.htmlText = XMLdaten_email;
contact.form.message_label.htmlText = XMLdaten_message;
contact.form.sendmail.txt.htmlText = XMLdaten_sendmail;
contact.form.name_text.text = "";
contact.form.email_text.text = "";
contact.form.message_text.text = "";
sender = function (namevar, emailvar, msgvar)
session = "?nocache=" + random(999999);
buffer = new LoadVars();
buffer.idvar = "email";
buffer.nametxt = namevar;
buffer.emailtxt = emailvar;
buffer.messagetxt = msgvar;
contact.text_error.htmlText = XMLdaten_finished;
emailsend = true;
caurina.transitions.Tweener.addTween(contact.form.sendmail, {_alpha: 60, time: 5.000000E-01, transition: "easeOutExpo"});
contact.form.sendmail.useHandCursor = false;
test = function ()
contact.text_error.styleSheet = cssfile;
contact.text_error.htmlText = "";
testemail = function (eaddy)
if (eaddy.length >= 7)
if (eaddy.indexOf("@") > 0)
if (eaddy.indexOf("@") + 2 < eaddy.lastIndexOf("."))
if (eaddy.lastIndexOf(".") < eaddy.length - 2)
return (true);
} // end if
} // end if
} // end if
} // end if
return (false);
namevar = contact.form.name_text.text;
emailvar = contact.form.email_text.text;
msgvar = contact.form.message_text.text;
if (msgvar != "" && emailvar != "" && testemail(emailvar) && namevar != "")
sender(namevar, emailvar, msgvar);
} // end if
if (msgvar == "")
contact.text_error.htmlText = contact.text_error.htmlText + XMLdaten_errorfield;
} // end if
if (emailvar == "")
contact.text_error.htmlText = contact.text_error.htmlText + XMLdaten_erroremail;
else if (emailvar != "" && !testemail(emailvar))
contact.text_error.htmlText = contact.text_error.htmlText + XMLdaten_erroremail;
} // end else if
if (namevar == "")
contact.text_error.htmlText = contact.text_error.htmlText + XMLdaten_errorname;
} // end if
contact.form.name_text.onSetFocus = function ()
caurina.transitions.Tweener.addTween(contact.form.bg1, {_alpha: 100, time: 5.000000E-01, transition: "easeOutExpo"});
contact.form.name_text.onKillFocus = function ()
caurina.transitions.Tweener.addTween(contact.form.bg1, {_alpha: 60, time: 5.000000E-01, transition: "easeOutExpo"});
contact.form.email_text.onSetFocus = function ()
caurina.transitions.Tweener.addTween(contact.form.bg2, {_alpha: 100, time: 5.000000E-01, transition: "easeOutExpo"});
contact.form.email_text.onKillFocus = function ()
caurina.transitions.Tweener.addTween(contact.form.bg2, {_alpha: 60, time: 5.000000E-01, transition: "easeOutExpo"});
contact.form.message_text.onSetFocus = function ()
caurina.transitions.Tweener.addTween(contact.form.bg3, {_alpha: 100, time: 5.000000E-01, transition: "easeOutExpo"});
contact.form.message_text.onKillFocus = function ()
caurina.transitions.Tweener.addTween(contact.form.bg3, {_alpha: 60, time: 5.000000E-01, transition: "easeOutExpo"});
contact.form.sendmail.onRollOver = function ()
if (emailsend == false)
caurina.transitions.Tweener.addTween(this.over, {_alpha: 100, time: 8.000000E-01, transition: "easeOutExpo"});
} // end if
contact.form.sendmail.onRollOut = function ()
if (emailsend == false)
caurina.transitions.Tweener.addTween(this.over, {_alpha: 0, time: 8.000000E-01, transition: "easeOutExpo"});
} // end if
contact.form.sendmail.onReleaseOutside = function ()
if (emailsend == false)
caurina.transitions.Tweener.addTween(this.over, {_alpha: 0, time: 8.000000E-01, transition: "easeOutExpo"});
} // end if
contact.form.sendmail.onRelease = function ()
if (emailsend == false)
} // end if
caurina.transitions.Tweener.addTween(contact, {_y: 0, time: 1, transition: "easeInOutExpo"});
cssloaded = false;
} // end else if
xmlloaded = false;
} // end else if
В xml-файле прописано это:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<contactform imageurl="images/findus.jpg">
<email>Email address</email>
<message>Your message to us</message>
<sendmail>SUBMIT E-MAIL REQUEST</sendmail>
<errorname>Please enter your name!<br/></errorname>
<erroremail>Please enter a valid email address!<br/></erroremail>
<errorfield>Please enter a message!<br/></errorfield>
<finished>Thank you the Email has been send!<br/></finished>
<notfinished>Error sending the Email!<br/></notfinished>