Необходимо сделать меню в виде карусели. Скачал подходящий исходник, настроил основные параметры, но столкнулся с некоторыми проблемами:
1. Хотелось бы, чтобы при уходе курсора мыши с карусели она "замедляла" ход и останавливалась
2. Чтобы карусель тормозила, если курсор мыши наведен на какой-нибудь пункт меню
Помогите, пожалуйста, я, к сожалению, не очень силен в AS...
Прикладываю код и исходник с картинками в архиве.
http://blackrid.ru/upload/stamp/2/ - тут видно работу карусели
http://blackrid.ru/upload/stamp/2/menu.rar - тут исходник и картинки
function drawRect(xn, yn, xk, yk, color, alpha, clipName)
with (clipName)
lineStyle(0, 16711935, 0);
beginFill(color, alpha);
moveTo(xn, yn);
lineTo(xk, yn);
lineTo(xk, yk);
lineTo(xn, yk);
lineTo(xn, yn);
} // End of with
} // End of the function
function getAngle(angle)
var _loc2 = angle * 3.141593E+000 / 180;
var _loc1 = ry * Math.sin(_loc2);
var _loc3 = rx * Math.cos(_loc2);
positionX = xCenter - _loc3;
positionY = yCenter - _loc1;
clip_depth = 500 - Math.round(_loc1);
clip_scale = Math.round((_loc1 + ry) / (2 * ry) * 100);
clip_scale = Math.round(100 - clip_scale / 2);
return (clip_scale);
} // End of the function
function searchArray(whichArray, searchElement)
for (index = 0; index < whichArray.length; index++)
if (whichArray[index] == searchElement)
return (index);
} // end if
} // end of for
} // End of the function
function rotbrake()
brpogr = Math.abs(ka - 0);
if (ka > 0)
ka = ka - 1.001001E+000;
} // end if
if (ka < 0)
ka = ka + 1.001001E+000;
} // end if
if (brpogr < 5.000000E-001)
ka = 0;
} // end if
} // End of the function
function outTime()
nx_mouse = _xmouse;
if (outer == 1)
outer = 0;
kx_mouse = _xmouse;
if (nx_mouse == kx_mouse)
pogr = Math.abs(ka - 0);
if (pogr > 0)
_global.strotbrake = setInterval(rotbrake, 10);
} // end if
return (ka);
} // end if
} // end if
} // End of the function
function clipRotate(clip_array)
rot_speed = rot_speed - ka;
var prew_count = clip_array.length;
var _loc3 = 360 / prew_count;
for (i = 0; i < prew_count; i++)
getAngle(i * _loc3 + rot_speed);
clip_array[i]._x = positionX;
clip_array[i]._y = positionY;
clip_array[i].swapDepths(clip_depth + i);
clip_array[i]._xscale = clip_array[i]._yscale = clip_scale;
clip_array[i]._visible = true;
clip_array[i].onRollOver = function ()
for (i = 0; i < prew_count; i++)
border_array[i]._alpha = 0;
photo_txt.text = "";
} // end of for
this.border_mc._alpha = 100;
searchArray(clip_array, this);
photo_txt.text = xmlCont.title[index];
photo_txt._x = Stage.width / 2 - photo_txt._width / 2;
clip_array[i].onRollOut = function ()
this.border_mc._alpha = 0;
clip_array[i].onRelease = function ()
searchArray(clip_array, this);
_global.stviewImage = setInterval(viewImage, 10, xmlCont.image[index], index);
} // end of for
} // End of the function
function imgAnim(clip_array)
//Тут можно настроить скорость вращения
_global.stop_rotation = setInterval(clipRotate, 30, clip_array);
} // End of the function
function xmlTranslation(xmlCont)
} // End of the function
function loadImage(xmlCont)
photos_array = xmlCont.preload_img;
var my_mcl = new MovieClipLoader();
var my_obj = new Object();
var imgCount = photos_array.length;
for (i = 0; i < imgCount; i++)
clipContainer = allpreview.createEmptyMovieClip("clip" + i + "_mc", allpreview.getNextHighestDepth());
my_mcl.loadClip(photos_array[i], clipContainer);
} // end of for
my_obj.onLoadStart = function (clip)
clip._visible = false;
my_obj.onLoadProgress = function (clip, bytesLoaded, totalBytes)
loadByte = Math.round(bytesLoaded / totalBytes * 100);
with (preLoader_mc)
load_fmt.color = 16777215;
load_fmt.font = "Verdana";
load_fmt.size = 11;
load_txt.text = loadByte;
} // End of with
my_obj.onLoadComplete = function (clip)
clip_array[loadCount] = clip;
if (loadCount == imgCount)
for (i = 0; i <= imgCount - 1; i++)
clipTit = clip_array[i];
for (j = 0; j <= imgCount - 1; j++)
if (clip_array[i]._name == "clip" + j + "_mc")
temp_array[j] = clip_array[i];
} // end if
} // end of for
} // end of for
preLoader_mc._visible = false;
clip_array = temp_array;
} // end if
delete my_obj;
delete my_mcl;
} // End of the function
var allpreview = this.createEmptyMovieClip("allpreview", 0);
var ph_fmt = new TextFormat();
ph_fmt.bold = false;
ph_fmt.font = "Tahoma";
ph_fmt.size = 20;
ph_fmt.color = 91131116;
var photo_txt = this.createTextField("photo_txt", this.getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 0, 0, 0);
photo_txt.wordWrap = false;
photo_txt.multiline = true;
photo_txt.autoSize = "left";
photo_txt._y = 3;
var xmlName = "flash.xml";
var xmlCont = new Object();
xmlCont.preload_img = new Array();
xmlCont.title = new Array();
xmlCont.image = new Array();
xmlCont.url = new Array();
var photos_array = new Array();
var clip_array = new Array();
var temp_array = new Array();
var loadCount = 0;
var reflex_array = new Array();
var border_array = new Array();
var angle;
//Центр вращения X
var xCenter = Stage.width / 2 - 50;
//Центр вращения Y
var yCenter = 55;
var positionX;
var positionY;
//радиус вращения гориз
var rx = 300;
//разиус вращения верт
var ry =25;
var clip_depth;
var rot_speed = 0;
var ka = 0;
var mouseListener = new Object();
mouseListener.onMouseMove = function (clip_array)
//центр вращения кнопки мыши
ka = ((_xmouse - xCenter)-75) * 1.000000E-002;
var outer = 0;
//_global.stoutTime = setInterval(outTime, 20000);
//_global.stoutTime = setInterval(outTime, 10);
var win_mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("win_mc", 1200);
var win_fon = win_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("winf_mc", win_mc.getNextHighestDepth());
var win_pic = win_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("winp_mc", win_mc.getNextHighestDepth());
win_pic._x = 20;
win_pic._y = 110;
var win_cl = win_mc.attachMovie("close_mc", "close_mc", win_mc.getNextHighestDepth());
win_cl._x = 510;
win_cl._y = 20;
win_cl._visible = false;
win_cl.enabled = false;
drawRect(0, 0, Stage.width, 550, 0, 40, win_fon);
win_fon._yscale = 0;
var myDoc = new XML();
myDoc.ignoreWhite = true;
myDoc.imgName = this;
myDoc.onLoad = function (success)
if (success)
xmlRoot = this.firstChild;
nodesCount = xmlRoot.childNodes.length;
for (child = 0; child < nodesCount; child++)
xmlCont.preload_img[child] = xmlRoot.childNodes[child].attributes.preview;
xmlCont.title[child] = xmlRoot.childNodes[child].attributes.title;
xmlCont.image[child] = xmlRoot.childNodes[child].attributes.image;
xmlCont.url[child] = xmlRoot.childNodes[child].attributes.url;
} // end of for
trace ("error");
} // end else if
this.attachMovie("preLoader_mc", "preLoader_mc", this.getNextHighestDepth());
with (clipName)
lineStyle(0, 16711935, 0);
beginFill(color, alpha);
moveTo(xn, yn);
lineTo(xk, yn);
lineTo(xk, yk);
lineTo(xn, yk);
lineTo(xn, yn);
} // End of with
} // End of the function
function getAngle(angle)
var _loc2 = angle * 3.141593E+000 / 180;
var _loc1 = ry * Math.sin(_loc2);
var _loc3 = rx * Math.cos(_loc2);
positionX = xCenter - _loc3;
positionY = yCenter - _loc1;
clip_depth = 500 - Math.round(_loc1);
clip_scale = Math.round((_loc1 + ry) / (2 * ry) * 100);
clip_scale = Math.round(100 - clip_scale / 2);
return (clip_scale);
} // End of the function
function searchArray(whichArray, searchElement)
for (index = 0; index < whichArray.length; index++)
if (whichArray[index] == searchElement)
return (index);
} // end if
} // end of for
} // End of the function
function rotbrake()
brpogr = Math.abs(ka - 0);
if (ka > 0)
ka = ka - 1.001001E+000;
} // end if
if (ka < 0)
ka = ka + 1.001001E+000;
} // end if
if (brpogr < 5.000000E-001)
ka = 0;
} // end if
} // End of the function
function outTime()
nx_mouse = _xmouse;
if (outer == 1)
outer = 0;
kx_mouse = _xmouse;
if (nx_mouse == kx_mouse)
pogr = Math.abs(ka - 0);
if (pogr > 0)
_global.strotbrake = setInterval(rotbrake, 10);
} // end if
return (ka);
} // end if
} // end if
} // End of the function
function clipRotate(clip_array)
rot_speed = rot_speed - ka;
var prew_count = clip_array.length;
var _loc3 = 360 / prew_count;
for (i = 0; i < prew_count; i++)
getAngle(i * _loc3 + rot_speed);
clip_array[i]._x = positionX;
clip_array[i]._y = positionY;
clip_array[i].swapDepths(clip_depth + i);
clip_array[i]._xscale = clip_array[i]._yscale = clip_scale;
clip_array[i]._visible = true;
clip_array[i].onRollOver = function ()
for (i = 0; i < prew_count; i++)
border_array[i]._alpha = 0;
photo_txt.text = "";
} // end of for
this.border_mc._alpha = 100;
searchArray(clip_array, this);
photo_txt.text = xmlCont.title[index];
photo_txt._x = Stage.width / 2 - photo_txt._width / 2;
clip_array[i].onRollOut = function ()
this.border_mc._alpha = 0;
clip_array[i].onRelease = function ()
searchArray(clip_array, this);
_global.stviewImage = setInterval(viewImage, 10, xmlCont.image[index], index);
} // end of for
} // End of the function
function imgAnim(clip_array)
//Тут можно настроить скорость вращения
_global.stop_rotation = setInterval(clipRotate, 30, clip_array);
} // End of the function
function xmlTranslation(xmlCont)
} // End of the function
function loadImage(xmlCont)
photos_array = xmlCont.preload_img;
var my_mcl = new MovieClipLoader();
var my_obj = new Object();
var imgCount = photos_array.length;
for (i = 0; i < imgCount; i++)
clipContainer = allpreview.createEmptyMovieClip("clip" + i + "_mc", allpreview.getNextHighestDepth());
my_mcl.loadClip(photos_array[i], clipContainer);
} // end of for
my_obj.onLoadStart = function (clip)
clip._visible = false;
my_obj.onLoadProgress = function (clip, bytesLoaded, totalBytes)
loadByte = Math.round(bytesLoaded / totalBytes * 100);
with (preLoader_mc)
load_fmt.color = 16777215;
load_fmt.font = "Verdana";
load_fmt.size = 11;
load_txt.text = loadByte;
} // End of with
my_obj.onLoadComplete = function (clip)
clip_array[loadCount] = clip;
if (loadCount == imgCount)
for (i = 0; i <= imgCount - 1; i++)
clipTit = clip_array[i];
for (j = 0; j <= imgCount - 1; j++)
if (clip_array[i]._name == "clip" + j + "_mc")
temp_array[j] = clip_array[i];
} // end if
} // end of for
} // end of for
preLoader_mc._visible = false;
clip_array = temp_array;
} // end if
delete my_obj;
delete my_mcl;
} // End of the function
var allpreview = this.createEmptyMovieClip("allpreview", 0);
var ph_fmt = new TextFormat();
ph_fmt.bold = false;
ph_fmt.font = "Tahoma";
ph_fmt.size = 20;
ph_fmt.color = 91131116;
var photo_txt = this.createTextField("photo_txt", this.getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 0, 0, 0);
photo_txt.wordWrap = false;
photo_txt.multiline = true;
photo_txt.autoSize = "left";
photo_txt._y = 3;
var xmlName = "flash.xml";
var xmlCont = new Object();
xmlCont.preload_img = new Array();
xmlCont.title = new Array();
xmlCont.image = new Array();
xmlCont.url = new Array();
var photos_array = new Array();
var clip_array = new Array();
var temp_array = new Array();
var loadCount = 0;
var reflex_array = new Array();
var border_array = new Array();
var angle;
//Центр вращения X
var xCenter = Stage.width / 2 - 50;
//Центр вращения Y
var yCenter = 55;
var positionX;
var positionY;
//радиус вращения гориз
var rx = 300;
//разиус вращения верт
var ry =25;
var clip_depth;
var rot_speed = 0;
var ka = 0;
var mouseListener = new Object();
mouseListener.onMouseMove = function (clip_array)
//центр вращения кнопки мыши
ka = ((_xmouse - xCenter)-75) * 1.000000E-002;
var outer = 0;
//_global.stoutTime = setInterval(outTime, 20000);
//_global.stoutTime = setInterval(outTime, 10);
var win_mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("win_mc", 1200);
var win_fon = win_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("winf_mc", win_mc.getNextHighestDepth());
var win_pic = win_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("winp_mc", win_mc.getNextHighestDepth());
win_pic._x = 20;
win_pic._y = 110;
var win_cl = win_mc.attachMovie("close_mc", "close_mc", win_mc.getNextHighestDepth());
win_cl._x = 510;
win_cl._y = 20;
win_cl._visible = false;
win_cl.enabled = false;
drawRect(0, 0, Stage.width, 550, 0, 40, win_fon);
win_fon._yscale = 0;
var myDoc = new XML();
myDoc.ignoreWhite = true;
myDoc.imgName = this;
myDoc.onLoad = function (success)
if (success)
xmlRoot = this.firstChild;
nodesCount = xmlRoot.childNodes.length;
for (child = 0; child < nodesCount; child++)
xmlCont.preload_img[child] = xmlRoot.childNodes[child].attributes.preview;
xmlCont.title[child] = xmlRoot.childNodes[child].attributes.title;
xmlCont.image[child] = xmlRoot.childNodes[child].attributes.image;
xmlCont.url[child] = xmlRoot.childNodes[child].attributes.url;
} // end of for
trace ("error");
} // end else if
this.attachMovie("preLoader_mc", "preLoader_mc", this.getNextHighestDepth());